

Some of our last projects

Eagle View Lodge

Eagle View Lodge

Eagle View’s magic starts with its scenic location that makes one feel like you’re experiencing Kigali at its unadulterated best. Logo Eagle View Lodge In the folds of the imposing Rebero hillside lurks the African bohemian-style lodge that sits quietly and...

La vie re-belle

La vie re-belle

"The aim of this website is to share practical, local, user-friendly solutions that can be implemented with the help of local renewable resources and the collective intelligence potential of each neighbourhood, in order to create the conditions for a dignified,...

Africa Sound

Africa Sound

Spreading reggae in Africa and african reggae worldwide Why, Africa sound? If Jamaica is the land of reggae, Africa is the continent. Yet few African artists are recognized beyond the national scene. This incredible creative pool, which from Dakar to Cape Town, from...

"Supporting editorial diversity and freedom of expression" Livre Libre - Logo LivreLibre, the online bookstore for small publishers. This online sales space,, offers the catalog of small publishers distributed and sold by Distrilibre. CMS:...

Appui Rwanda

Appui Rwanda

Solidarity with the survivorsA centre to help vulnerable Rwandans Logo The NGO Appui Rwanda is an aid centre for Rwandans in great need. It actively commemorates the genocide of the Tutsi in 1994. The machete blows, the mutilations, the systematic rape of women and...

A website to promote the island of La Désirade, in Guadeloupe, for tourists. Logo - An agenda, a participative information site and a social network respecting the users and their data, for the Désiradiens., is maps of the island (with...

Izuba éditions

Izuba éditions

Izuba éditions logo Izuba is a publishing house whose primary objective is to produce and publish tools for denouncing the organizations, ideologies, methods of manipulation and psychological actions that allowed the crime of genocide committed against the Tutsis of...

La Nuit rwandaise

La Nuit rwandaise

La Nuit rwandaise, an annual review and website on France's involvement in the 1994 genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda. — La Nuit rwandaise La Nuit rwandaise numéros 11, Vol.1 et 2 (2020) Rwanda, 1994 In 1994, in Rwanda, in the heart of Africa, the political power...

Télé Liberté

Télé Liberté

Association Télé Liberté.Location: Paris and its suburbs, France. After the pressure exerted by Numericable on the former host of Télé Liberté, which led to the censorship of the content of their site, we decided to host Télé Liberté on another host, since LWS had...